英语人>词典>英汉 : improve the occasion的中文,翻译,解释,例句
improve the occasion的中文,翻译,解释,例句

improve the occasion

improve the occasion的基本解释


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You must improve the occasion if you want to succeed.


Dad was in a spending mood, so I thought I might as well improve the occasion by buying something useful.


"Culture likes water,improve the occasion",the culture is propulsive force of enterprise development,it not only is shaped in process of enterprise development,but also promotes enterprise development.


Also because of having opposite this kind of unprecedented free, extreme from such as of expression terrace and the expression method, so how to improve the occasion, assurance right of public opinion direction, is a serious topic and challenges that the network medium face.


Based on the above, we can deal with actual moral hazard in basal layer and operational layer, at the same time we should improve the occasion to cope with it, so as to reduce its negative effect and augment its positive effect, to impel thing s translation into its fine aspect.


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更多网络解释与improve the occasion相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

improve the occasion:因势利导

513. drink like a fish..嗜酒如命. | 514. improve the occasion.因势利导. | 515. out a figure.崭露头角.

improve the occasion:抓紧时机; 利用机会说教一番

if the occasion should arise 必要的时候 | improve the occasion 抓紧时机; 利用机会说教一番 | on great occasions 在大庆[盛典]时期