英语人>词典>英汉 : harvest home的中文,翻译,解释,例句
harvest home的中文,翻译,解释,例句

harvest home

harvest home的基本解释


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"Share my harvest and my home".


The harvest home of day.


Seeing that the old lady couldn't cope with the load, I decided to help her take her harvest home.


The next day, being the 19th, I went back, having made me two small bags to bring home my harvest.


Turning around, I went to the autumn harvest season, and my home are filled with a loofah loofah vine.


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Harvest home:丰收之家

05 Peace in our time 我们这个时代里的和平 | 06 Harvest home 丰收之家 | 07 King of emotion 情感之王

Harvest home:最后一批作物收割进仓收割结束收割完毕后庆祝宴会

go to one's long home "回老家", 死 | harvest home 最后一批作物收割进仓收割结束收割完毕后庆祝宴会 | look at home 扪心自问