英语人>词典>英汉 : for no other reason than that的中文,翻译,解释,例句
for no other reason than that的中文,翻译,解释,例句

for no other reason than that

for no other reason than that的基本解释


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Personally, I believe this is a bit of fear mongering on Goldman's part towards Yankee fans because there no doubt in my mind that Posada and the Yankees will come to an agreement if for no other reason than the organization recognizes that they can ill-afford to let him go anywhere.


Some of them had been born in Siberia, the children of parents deported there for no other reason than that they had been officials in the prewar republic.


Information for no other reason than to make sure that there would be retributive action in China, said junior Daniel Cordero, vice president of College Republicans and organizer of the coalition to condemn intimidation tactics.

信息别无其他理由比作肯定会有报复性的行动,在中国,说:少年丹尼尔Cordero ),副总统高校共和党人和组织者联盟谴责恐吓战术。

If for no other reason than that, it is important for us to achieve a clearer view of these matters than has been our habit so far.


Than running 26 miles for no reason other than to brag that I can do it.


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for no other reason than that:只是因为

gulf stream front [海]湾流锋 | for no other reason than that 只是因为 | road octane number 行车辛烷值

And if for no other reason than that:如果不是出于这个原因的话

to avoid hearing the American and the British delegations.|是为了避免听到美英代... | And if for no other reason than that,|如果不是出于这个原因的话 | it shows that discussion should continue.|那么讨论就...