英语人>词典>英汉 : fill up the measure of的中文,翻译,解释,例句
fill up the measure of的中文,翻译,解释,例句

fill up the measure of

fill up the measure of的基本解释


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filthy lucre:不义之财;臭钱

12. fill (up) the measure of使(邪恶、不幸等)达到极点;更糟糕的是. | 13. filthy lucre不义之财;臭钱. | 14. finger of God神力;神工.

for good measure:作为额外的添头; 另外, 为了保险起见, 额外的, 外加

fill (up) the measure of 使(邪恶、不幸等)达到极点; 更(不幸)的是... | for good measure 作为额外的添头; 另外, 为了保险起见, 额外的, 外加 | give short measure 短少分量; [喻]不能满足要求

first fruits:初熟的果子

Fill up the measure of one's fathers 充满祖宗的恶贯59 | First fruits 初熟的果子61 | First will be last, and last first 在前的将要在后, 在后的将要在前568