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Fifth Columnist的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Fifth Columnist

Fifth Columnist的基本解释


更多网络例句与Fifth Columnist相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the remarkable, pathetic set upon, the Cylons come behind in further to lay sunder to the colonies, pitched inside with by human-looking Cylon variants in further to an comatose fifth columnist .


Deliciously paradoxically, the Nobel could end up diminishing, not fortifying, the qualifications-blindness and self-enslavement to equations-led dictums that, fifth-columnist style, pave the path for our sacrifice at the altar of misplaced concreteness


The book is fizzing with ideas but the reader has to wade through Mr Triana's verbose and convoluted prose, of which the final sentence is surely the most depressing example." Deliciously paradoxically, the Nobel could end up diminishing, not fortifying, the qualifications-blindness and self-enslavement to equations-led dictums that, fifth-columnist style, pave the path for our sacrifice at the altar of misplaced concreteness ."

这本书充斥了各种观点但读者不得不先领会 Mr Triana 那冗长而曲折的散文,而文章最后的句子绝对是最让人失望的例子:&美美的,又矛盾的,诺贝尔奖在寿终正寝前应该不鼓励那些,以第五纵队的方式,铺平通向我们牺牲的祭坛的道路的,无视资历和苑囿于方程式推导的研究方式,而不应当强化它们&。

更多网络解释与Fifth Columnist相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fifth Columnist:第五纵队队员

Fifth Column 第五纵队 | Fifth Columnist 第五纵队队员 | fifth wheel 多余人

Fifth Columnist:第五纵队队员,间谍

*Fiddle while Rome burns 大事不管,只计较小事 | *Fifth columnist 第五纵队队员,间谍 | **Fifth wheel 多余的事物或人

fifth wheel:多余人

Fifth Columnist 第五纵队队员 | fifth wheel 多余人 | fifth 第五的