英语人>词典>英汉 : farm hand的中文,翻译,解释,例句
farm hand的中文,翻译,解释,例句

farm hand

farm hand的基本解释

农业工人, 农场工人, 雇农

更多网络例句与farm hand相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Are you a good farm hand?"


He is a fresh hand at farm work .


He asked his wife where the farm hand was and she replied, It's the strangest thing!


He believed he would like to go out there as a farm hand; it was hardly possible that he could ever have land of his own.


Work your way from a lowly farm hand to the Pharaoh of all Egypt! Latest!


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更多网络解释与farm hand相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

farm hand:农场短工

farm labourers 农场工人,农业工人 (美作:farm laborers) | farm hand 农场短工 | cattle farmer 牧场工人

farm hand:农业工人

farm bloc 美农业集团 | farm hand 农业工人 | farm management 农场经营

farm hand:农场短工Yfb中国学习动力网

ploughman 农夫,犁田者Yfb中国学习动力网 | farm hand 农场短工Yfb中国学习动力网 | cattle farmer 牧场工人Yfb中国学习动力网

farm hand:农业工人; 雇农; 农场工人

farina 谷粉; 淀粉; 粉末 (名) | farm hand 农业工人; 雇农; 农场工人 | farm out 请人做代工

A spoiled brat and a farm hand:娇生惯养,农村傻姑

You're silly girls playing with the lives of thousands of people.|... | A spoiled brat and a farm hand.|娇生惯养,农村傻姑 | You think people are gonna follow you? You think you're changing history?|你以...

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