英语人>词典>英汉 : excite attention的中文,翻译,解释,例句
excite attention的中文,翻译,解释,例句

excite attention

excite attention的基本解释


更多网络例句与excite attention相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"The gradual decline of the most extraordinary dominion which has ever invaded and oppressed the world; the fall of that immense empire, erected on the ruins of so many kingdoms, republics, and states both barbarous and civilized; and forming in its turn, by its dismemberment, a multitude of states, republics, and kingdoms; the annihilation of the religion of Greece and Rome; the birth and the progress of the two new religions which have shared the most beautiful regions of the earth; the decrepitude of the ancient world, the spectacle of its expiring glory and degenerate manners; the infancy of the modern world, the picture of its first progress, of the new direction given to the mind and character of man -- such a subject must necessarily fix the attention and excite the interest of men, who cannot behold with indifference those memorable epochs, during which, in the fine language of Corneille --'Un grand destin commence, un grand destin s'ach ve.'"

他同时期的法国编辑Guizot先生用雄辩的语言说:那个曾经侵略和压迫全世界的最令人恐惧政权的逐步衰亡;那个辽阔帝国的覆灭,在它的废墟上建立起野蛮或文明的王国、共和国和政权,以及在它转变过程中,伴随着它的解体所形成的众多政权、共和国及王国;希腊、罗马传统宗教的消亡,两个占据了世界上最美丽地区的新兴宗教的产生和发展;显示旧世界的老化、逐步褪色的荣耀和堕落的社会风气;新世界的幼年,它向人类新的精神风貌和外观特征所迈出的第一步等等——这么一个主题必将吸引那些对那个难忘的年代无法保持淡漠的人们的注意,激发他们的兴趣,正如Corneille的警句所说,那是"一个注定伟大的开端,一个注定伟大的结局"(Un grand destin commence, un grand destin s'ach ve)的年代。

Several respects, should bepaid attention to first, pay attention to the cultivation of different thinking; second, excite the full play of imagination; third, encourage the query spirit rich in the original idea.


更多网络解释与excite attention相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

shrug off (sth.) dismiss as not deserving one's attention:对......不屑一顾

stir up excite, stimulate, provoke 激起,挑起 | shrug off (sth.) dismiss as not deserving one's attention 对......不屑一顾 | conjure up bring into the mind or cause to be remembered 回想