英语人>词典>英汉 : end a meeting的中文,翻译,解释,例句
end a meeting的中文,翻译,解释,例句

end a meeting

end a meeting的基本解释


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At the end of a meeting, don't rush off, even if you are in a hurry一Brazilians might take this as a personal insult and there may not be an appropriate "jetton "for resolving such a slight.


On the night of the meeting Rodriguez struck out as a pinch hitter to end the game. He whacked the dugout railing with his bat, walked up the runway and into the clubhouse, and picked up a folding chair and threw it.

两人谈话的当晚, A-Rod以代打身分上场打击遭到三振而结束了该场比赛,离开打击区后, A-Rod用球棒重击了休息区的栏杆,并且在走回休息室的路上随手拿起一旁的折椅,狠狠地将其摔向远方

The main difficulty in maintaining the low-flying, right before the target stopped before there are some mountains, trees also more than the flying height, waiting for the alarm, flying low over the tree would die a hurry, here is a pattern even distracted skills tree from the woods and trees around the gap between the wearing, wearing a back end, failed several times, the requirements of high technology is,豁出去later, and is not even a few fighter planes like you play, the beginning fly, warning a short while, and soon the hills, two aircraft from put a red 4 missiles, missile thought more terrible, the result was even easy to flash, I saw a missile fly in front of the explosion really fun, in fact, the missile is a good hide, and more attention after the perspective to observe the missile position, when the missile away from you, almost 100 distance of 100 -200 m,(their estimate of the distance from there anyway) who has risen sharply and optional, you can play to stimulate the rapid decline in almost a sudden sharp rise in the ground, of course, elections are the rapid turn right turn left, air giant slalom, flip aircraft line, multi-练练, the computer is the point of missile小意思, nothing after playing air combat, interesting ah ~~~~ even the highest record was 28 to avoid a meeting, including surface-to-air missiles, the computer told me to fly by the tail I am thrown to the ground the trees the mountains 11 miles or a word and the computer novice and more air play than the simple low wear and more trees to the

难度主要在保持低空飞行,快到目标前有一些高山挡住,树还特别多,飞的比树高,等着报警把,飞的比树低想死着急,这里偶愣是用花样技巧,从树林里树与树的缝隙之间穿了过来,最后又穿了回去,失败几次,要求技术实在是高,后来豁出去了,不就是几架战斗机偶就跟你们玩玩,一开始就高飞,不一会报警了,快到山头, 2架飞机冲过来放了4导弹,原以为导弹多可怕,结果,被偶轻松闪过,看见导弹飞到我前面爆炸真好玩,其实导弹是很好躲的,注意多用后视角,观察导弹位置,当导弹离你差不多100-200米百距离,(自己估计的反正有段距离)可选者急速上升,还可以玩刺激急速下降快到地面时突然急速上升,当然选者急速右转左转,空中大回转,翻转飞机都行,多练练,电脑那点导弹完全是小意思,以后没事耍空战,有意思啊~~~~偶最高纪录是1次避了28枚导弹包括地对空,电脑跟我机尾飞被我甩在地上山上树上海里11次总之新手还是和电脑多玩玩空战比起超低空穿树简单的多的去了

更多网络解释与end a meeting相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to cause somebody/something to be in a particular condition or place:使处于某种状况;使到某地

Retirement usually brings with it a massive drop ... | to cause somebody/something to be in a particular condition or place 使处于某种状况;使到某地 VN VN + adv./prep. | to bring a meeting to an end/a c...