英语人>词典>英汉 : emergency radio的中文,翻译,解释,例句
emergency radio的中文,翻译,解释,例句

emergency radio

emergency radio的基本解释


emergency radio所属的单词分类
Weather / 天气 [276]

wind shear · weather satellite · tropical storm · tropical disturbance · tropical depression · supercell · snow level · snow flurry · rain shadow · prevailing wind

更多网络例句与emergency radio相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An emergency radio beacon helped rescue three climbers on Mount Hood and a big dog kept them warm.


Items of equipment carried inside the cabin can include lifejackets and MLAS-1 inflatable dinghies for individual rescues, LAC-5 dinghies each able to carry five persons, PSN-1 rafts and emergency radio beacons.

机舱内的设备进行项目可以包括救生衣和工作重点,一为个别充气橡皮筏营救,拉加- 5橡皮筏每人可以携带五人,核酸- 1木筏和应急无线电信标。

Opposition views and opinions could also be heard broadcast via Radio Free Europe, but retransmissions have been pulled from the airwaves since the state of emergency was declared.

反对党的观点和言论也可以在 Radio Free Europe 电台收听,但是自从紧急状态宣布后,电台的转拨也被停止了。

更多网络解释与emergency radio相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

emergency radio channel:呼救信号波道

emergency push-button switch 备用按钮开关 | emergency radio channel 呼救信号波道 | emergency recall 紧急召回<将电梯召回到指定楼层

emergency radio channel:緊急無線電波道

emergency procedure 緊急程序 | emergency radio channel 緊急無線電波道 | emergency response plan 緊急應變計畫

emergency radio channel:应急无线电信道

emergency radio ==> 应急无线电设备 | emergency radio channel ==> 应急无线电信道 | emergency rates ==> 紧急费率