英语人>词典>英汉 : curvature of curve的中文,翻译,解释,例句
curvature of curve的中文,翻译,解释,例句

curvature of curve

curvature of curve的基本解释

[建] 曲线的曲率

更多网络例句与curvature of curve相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By means of uniting geometry with algebra, the arc length, tangent line, cotangent space and curvature of curve in four dimensional space are investigated, and the corresponding calculation formula in each cases are given.


Curve C at the spot P(x0, y0) curvature is the maximal circle of the curve C tangency at the spot P(x0, y0). Contrail curve G of the center D of curvature circle entitles evolute of curve C.


At the same time, the method which feed can be adjusted with curvature of curve to implement the control of interpolation error in high speed and high precision is found.


更多网络解释与curvature of curve相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

curvature of a curve:曲线的曲率

cumulative frequency polygon 累积频数多边形;累积频率直方图 | curvature of a curve 曲线的曲率 | curve 曲线

curvature of a curve:曲线的曲率Btu中国学习动力网

cumulative frequency polygon 累积频数多边形;累积频率直方图Btu中国学习动力网 | curvature of a curve 曲线的曲率Btu中国学习动力网 | curve sketching 曲线描绘(法)Btu中国学习动力网

gaussian curvature of surface:曲面的高斯曲率

gaussian bell shaped curve 高斯钟形曲线 | gaussian curvature of surface 曲面的高斯曲率 | gaussian curve 误差曲线