英语人>词典>英汉 : commercial bill的中文,翻译,解释,例句
commercial bill的中文,翻译,解释,例句

commercial bill

commercial bill的基本解释


更多网络例句与commercial bill相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Bill Market is an essential part of the Currency Market, including the Commercial Bill Market and the Bank's Acceptance of Bill Market.


Network project construction, network monitor system, computer hardware maintenance, computer software, commercial POS several machine maintenance and repair, the LED screen machine maintenance, networking, ADSL VLAN and VPN connections, network cabling system design, network integrated wiring, residential network cabinet design and construction, computer peripheral equipment maintenance, computer data backup and restore, computer hardware upgrades, various kinds of commercial bill printer, intelligent arrangement system, a computer virus clearing installation, EXCEL, WINDOWS server system, WINDOWS server installation and sales system, data server SQL server data to create WEB server FPT data, E-mail, E - the server, AutoCAD drawings.


The act or an instance of discounting a bill of exchange, note, or other commercial paper.

荷兰等均先后建立了商业票据市场,欧洲商业票据( euro-commercial paper )也出现在世界各主要金融中心。。。。

更多网络解释与commercial bill相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Commercial Acceptance Bill:商业承兑汇票

凡(3)按出票人不同分商业汇票(Commercial Bill)和银行汇票(Banker's(4)按承兑人的不同分商业承兑汇票(Commercial Acceptance Bill)和银另外还有汇票的背书(Endorsement)环节,这是在汇票的转让中发生的行为.

Commercial Bill of Exchange:商业汇票

(2)商业汇票(commercial bill of exchange):商业汇票是商场上通常使用的汇票,国际贸易上使用的汇票大都是这种汇票. 出口商输出货物后,即签发商业汇票,凭以让售银行或委托银行代收. 前一种情形是有信用状担保的场合;后一种情形则为以托收的D/P、D/A付款方式交易的场合.

documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight:商业短期押汇票

documentary bill with letter of credit 凭信押汇汇票 | documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight 商业短期押汇票 | documentary credit 押汇信用