英语人>词典>英汉 : bluefin tuna的中文,翻译,解释,例句
bluefin tuna的中文,翻译,解释,例句

bluefin tuna

bluefin tuna的基本解释

蓝鳍鲔, 蓝鳍金枪鱼

bluefin tuna所属的单词分类
Animal / 动物 [799]

woolly rhinoceros · woolly mammoth · woolly bear caterpillar · wild cat · western meadowlark · Umbrellabird · Treefrog · thresher shark · Swallowtail Butterfly · spiny lizard

Fish / 鱼 [140]

zebrafish · thresher shark · seabass · moray eel · manta ray · Lemon shark · Lanternfish · Gulper Eel · bluefin tuna · Greenland shark

更多网络例句与bluefin tuna相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Avoid fish with high levels of mercury ( shark, ray, swordfish, barramundi, gemfish, orange roughy, ling and southern bluefin tuna ).

尽量避免含汞将较高的鱼,例如:(鲨鱼肉, ray,剑鱼,莽草,梭伦鱼,深海鲈鱼,ling,澳大利亚金枪鱼

Both bigeye and bluefin tuna suffer from overfishing and low numbers, not to mention being higher in mercury than other kinds of tuna.


Bluefin, bigeye and yellowfin tuna has been overfished for many years, with pirate fishing being a serious problem. The fishing industry is already suffering as the catch of bluefin tuna has dropped significantly over the last few years and average weight of the catch also dropped.


更多网络解释与bluefin tuna相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


black tuna; bluefin tuna 黑鲔 | blackfish 领航鲸;黑黥 | blanket net; lift nets 敷网类

yellowfin tuna:黄鳍鲔

那边的远洋渔船常捕回大型的黑鲔(BLUEFIN TUNA)和黄鳍鲔(YELLOWFIN TUNA)等,这些都是相当昂贵的鱼类. 这麼贵的鱼,只有日本人才舍得吃,一片上等黑鲔刺身(SASHIMI)还贵过黄金呀~!这麼贵的鱼,只有日本人才舍得吃,一片上等黑鲔刺身(SASHIMI)还贵过黄金呀~!

blued scissors:法蓝剪

blued chopping knife with wooden handle 木柄发蓝菜刀 | blued scissors 法蓝剪 | bluefin tuna 金枪鱼