英语人>词典>英汉 : blanket mortgage的中文,翻译,解释,例句
blanket mortgage的中文,翻译,解释,例句

blanket mortgage

blanket mortgage的基本解释

[经] 联合抵押, 笼统子抵押

更多网络例句与blanket mortgage相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although, to date, the new mortgage policy of the central bank has not issued, but the people who made it clear that, based on the situation in different regions, it is impossible to adjust mortgage national blanket policy, but as a leading national real estate market in Shanghai , Zhejiang and other places, the adjustment has in considering the way


The blanket mortgage is a way to do all of your financing with one mortgage application.


Instead of getting a mortgage on each individual lot, they get a blanket mortgage for the entire development.


The blanket mortgage covers the entire thing during construction, and then a release is obtained for each parcel as it is sold off.


A release clause must be built into the blanket mortgage that allows the developer to sell off each unit of the property as long as certain percentage of the entire debt is paid off.


更多网络解释与blanket mortgage相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blanket mortgage:一揽子抵押

blanket insurance 统括保险 | blanket mortgage 一揽子抵押 | Blue chip 兰筹股

blanket mortgage:总括抵押

blank endorsement 不记名背书 | blanket mortgage 总括抵押 | blanket order 总括订货单

blanket mortgage:以债务人全面资产作抵押

blanket insurance 综合保险,总括保险 | blanket mortgage 以债务人全面资产作抵押 | blasphemous adj.亵渎神明的,不敬的

blanket mortgage:总括保险,一揽子抵押

blanket insurance 总括保险 | blanket mortgage 总括保险,一揽子抵押 | blanket order 总括订单

总括抵押 blanket mortgage 总括抵押:blanket mortgage

498 1 blank endorsement 不记名背书 blank endorsement 不记名背书 | 499 1 blanket mortgage 总括抵押 blanket mortgage 总括抵押 | 500 1 blanket order 总括订货单 blanket order 总括订货单