英语人>词典>英汉 : birth canal的中文,翻译,解释,例句
birth canal的中文,翻译,解释,例句

birth canal

birth canal的基本解释

[医] 产道

更多网络例句与birth canal相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She was in the birth canal, and her head and ears were covered.


If the birth canal in good condition, the birth should not be a problem.


And being expelled from a birth canal was not considered one of them.


One specimen is even preserved in the birth canal.


A baby is separated with his mother after passing out of the birth canal.


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更多网络解释与birth canal相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Birth Canal:产道

birth 分娩 | birth canal 产道 | birth control 出生控制

soft birth canal:软产道

sodoku 鼠咬热 | soft birth canal 软产道 | soft cancer 髓状癌

bony birth canal:骨产道

真骨盆又称小骨盆,位于骨盆分界线之下,是胎儿娩出的骨产道(bony birth canal). 真骨盆有上、下两口,即骨盆入口(pelvic inlet)与骨盆出口(pelvic outlet). 两口之间为骨盆腔(pelvic cavity). 骨盆腔的后壁是骶骨与尾骨,两侧为坐骨、坐骨棘、骶棘韧带,

laceration of birth canal:产道裂伤

产程图 partogram | 产道裂伤 laceration of birth canal | 产妇 parturient,puerpera,puerperant,accouchee,lying-in woman

laceration of birth canal:产道撕裂

laceration of anal sphincter 肛门括约肌撕裂伤 | laceration of birth canal 产道撕裂 | laceration of brain 脑裂伤

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