英语人>词典>英汉 : bet on the wrong horse的中文,翻译,解释,例句
bet on the wrong horse的中文,翻译,解释,例句

bet on the wrong horse

bet on the wrong horse的基本解释


更多网络例句与bet on the wrong horse相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm afraid we bet on the wrong horse.


I bet on the wrong horse—it lost the race.


He expected Stevenson to be elected President in 1952 but as it happened, he bet on the wrong horse


Why did Jason bet on the wrong horse?


You 'bet on the wrong horse' when you misread the future.


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更多网络解释与bet on the wrong horse相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bet on the wrong horse:做出错误估计

black-and-white 决不迁就 | bet on the wrong horse 做出错误估计 | blow the lid off 昭示秘密

bet on the wrong horse:[口]判断或估计错误

mount on a dead horse [口]重提早已解决了的问题; 炒冷饭; 白费口舌; 浪费精力 | bet on the wrong horse [口]判断或估计错误 | buy a white horse [航海][口]浪费金钱 (white horse 指浪花)

bet on the wrong horse:判断或估计错误

be/come/get down off one's high horse 放下臭架子, 不再骄傲自大; 不再生气 | bet on the wrong horse 判断或估计错误 | horse around 胡闹,捣蛋:沉溺胡闹或其他嬉戏活动

bet on the wrong horse:判断错误;押错了宝;支持了失败的对象

eat like a horse吃得很多;食量很大. | bet on the wrong horse判断错误;押错了宝;支持了失败的对象. | get on one's high horse盛气凌人;怒气冲冲.

to bet on the wrong horse:支持错对象

23. to beat a dead horse 死马当作活马医 | 24. to bet on the wrong horse 支持错对象 | 25. a horse of another color 完全另一码事情