英语人>词典>英汉 : arrest warrant的中文,翻译,解释,例句
arrest warrant的中文,翻译,解释,例句

arrest warrant

arrest warrant的基本解释

拘留状, 逮捕令, 拘票

更多网络例句与arrest warrant相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The request for extradition is normally made formally through the diplomatic channel, accompanied by the arrest warrant, information about the identity of the accused, and the basic facts of the offence. Often, the request will ask for provisional arrest pending arrival of all the necessary paperwork.

罪犯国籍国,犯罪行为发生地国,受害国罪犯国籍国同时对同一罪犯提出引渡要求,被请求国有权决定有的地区性公约对引渡优先权作了规定( 4 )引渡的程序 procedures 通常在引渡条约或有关引渡的国内立法中加以规定。

Introduction Some ten days after 11 September 2001, the European Council included the proposal for a European arrest warrant in a European action plan to combat terrorism.

介绍 大约10天之后,2001年的9·11,欧洲委员会的建议包括对于欧洲了在欧洲的行动计划来打击恐怖主义。

In this article, it is proposed to recall the origins of the European arrest warrant, to point to the problems which arise and will continue to arise from the imperfections of the Third Pillar; to consider the contribution made by the European Arrest Warrant to the principle of legality of extradition procedures; to consider the issue of respect for fundamental human rights; and to consider the recent very important decision of the Court of Justice in Case C-303 /05 Advocaten voor de Wereld v Leden van de Ministerrad.

在这篇文章中,提出了回忆的起源,欧洲了指出了问题,并将继续产生的缺陷第三支柱;要考虑所作出的贡献,欧洲了在罪刑法定原则,对引渡程序;考虑这个问题的尊重为基本人权,并考虑了最近的非常重要的决定法院的案件C-303 / 05 Advocaten voor Wereld v Leden·范·德· Ministerrad。

更多网络解释与arrest warrant相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arrest warrant:逮捕证

触犯法律的未成年人不再被称为罪犯(CRIMINAL),而被称为过失者(DELINQUENT);对未成年人触犯法律不被称为犯罪(CRIME),而是过失(DELINQUENCY);要求审理未成年人的法律文件不是投诉(COMPLAINT)或逮捕证(ARREST WARRANT),而是请求书(PETITION);

arrest warrant:逮捕令

历史刑事法院4日向苏丹总统巴希尔(Omar al-Beshir)签发逮捕令(arrest warrant),称其在达尔富尔犯下战争罪和反人类罪,但罪名不包括种族屠杀. 据法新社报道,国际社会对此反应强烈. 美国呼吁苏丹方面"克制". 俄罗斯赴苏丹特使表示,

arrest warrant:逮捕令(证)

arrest 逮捕 | arrest warrant 逮捕令(证) | arrestee 被捕人