英语人>词典>英汉 : arcanite的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

arcanite ['ɑ:kənait]


[化] 单钾芒硝

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Besides calcite, small amounts of quartz, sylvine, arcanite and gypsum are also existent in the cigarette ash.


Once you're done with all these materials, you will be asked for 1 Arcanite Bar to complete the materials for your summoning ritual.

一旦你完成了所有这些材料,你将被要求为1 Arcanite酒吧的材料来完成你的召唤仪式。

Between the metals called Arcanite and Thorium, the Horde produces some of the highest-quality weapons and armor in the world.


Move the stack to a different place in your bag, now take however many of the soulbound/stacked items you want and put the stack of the original item in slot 1 in your bag. For example you've duped 240 arcanite rods, if you want to have 240 warglaives you would put 240 arcanite rods in that spot. Usually 2 would be fine unless it's an item like potions.

移动到另一个地方的叠加在你的袋子,现在却为数众多的物品,你想要/堆放绑定,把堆叠的原始物品放进书包。1槽例如你骗240 arcanite棒,如果你想要有240 warglaives你将会在这个地方arcanite 240杆。2将会是一个多么美好的,除非它是一项像药水。

Transmute Arcanite no longer has a cooldown.


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Arcadia 阿卡地亚牌手表 | arcanite 单钾芒硝 | arcazabo 阿卡扎博花缎


arcade 连拱廊;有拱顶的走道 | arcanite 钾矾 | arcbasement 岛弧基底


钾芒硝 aphthitalite | 钾芒硝 arcanite | 钾芒硝 glaserite


"Arca","箱蛤属,魁蛤(双壳类,J-Q)" | "arcanite","钾芒硝,钾矾" | "Arcavicula","弓翼蛤属(双壳类,T2-3)"

Arcanite Reaper:奥金斧

暴雪为<<巫妖王之怒>>新开发了一款神奇武器,可以让玩家角色暂时变形成游戏中的乐队组合"80级精英牛头人"中的吉他手,还能来上一段吉他Solo. 这个新武器名为"奥金撕裂者(Arcanite Ripper)",名字来源于奥金斧(Arcanite Reaper). 由卡拉赞的新BOSS特尼瑞斯.暗血(Tenris Mirkblood)掉落

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