英语人>词典>英汉 : ampere turn的中文,翻译,解释,例句
ampere turn的中文,翻译,解释,例句

ampere turn

ampere turn的基本解释

[电] 安培圈

更多网络例句与ampere turn相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A unit of magnetomotive force equal to the magnetomotive force produced by the passage of 1 ampere through 1 complete turn of a coil; equal to 1.257 gilberts.


And the traditional passive filter's function is also limited for avoiding the resonance and harmonic enlarging. The auto-compensator and harmonics shielding converter transformer can be used to solve these problems, which is based on the principle of the winding ampere and turn's balance. This paper elaborates this kind of transformer filter mechanism. In the view of the HVDC system, a new winding connection plan is proposed, and the filter optimization model is created.


When the frequency is 15Hz and number of ampere turns is 20kA·turn, relative intracrytalline solubility of alloy elements (for Zn, Mg and Cu the solubility are 68.8%, 76.0% and 45.0%, respectively) is the highest; when the frequency is 15Hz and number of ampere turns is 20kA·turn, Vicker hardness is the highest of Hv160; when the frequency is 25Hz and number of ampere turns is 20kA·turn, ultimate tensile strength is the highest of 324MPa.

频率为15Hz,安匝数为20kA·turn时, Zn、 Mg和Cu元素相对溶质固溶百分数最高,分别为68.8%、 76.0%和45.0%;频率为15Hz,安匝数为20kA·turn时,锭坯维氏硬度最高为Hv160;频率为25Hz,安匝数为20kA·turn时,抗拉强度最高为324MPa。

更多网络解释与ampere turn相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ampere turn:安匝

ammeter 安培计 | ampere turn 安匝 | ampersand 和号

ampere turn:安培匝数,安匝数,安匝

aromatous 芳香的 | ampere-turn 安培匝数,安匝数,安匝 | overtamping 捣固过度

ampere turn:安培匝数

ampere 安 | ampere-turn 安培匝数 | amperehour 安培时

ampere turn:安匝(数)

安全载流量safety carrying capacity | 安匝(数)ampere-turn | 白炽灯incandescent lamp

AT Ampere Turn:安培匝数

AT Air Temperature 空气温度4R[eX0 | AT Ampere Turn 安培匝数\\\\L | AT Angle of Train 方位角.方向角.传导方位9A

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