英语人>词典>英汉 : ammonia chloride的中文,翻译,解释,例句
ammonia chloride的中文,翻译,解释,例句

ammonia chloride

ammonia chloride的基本解释

[化] 氯化铵

更多网络例句与ammonia chloride相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Determination of high-content Ammonia Chloride in the rare-earth wastewater where there is little suspended matter by conductometric and refractometric analysis is described.


The effects of solution\'s pH value, mol ratio between phenyl aldehyde and L-Arginine, concentrations of sodium chloride, ammonia chloride andL-Lystine, initial concentration of L-Arginine on precipitation rate of a -tolylene arginine were investigated, the results indicated that phenyl aldehyde precipitation method\'s appropriate pH value was higher than 11, suitable mol ratio between phenyl aldehyde and L-Arginine was 1.25, initial concentration of L-Arginine was must higher than 15g/L, sodium chloride had little effect on precipitation rate, on the contrary, ammonia chloride and L-Lystine had great effect on it, both of them must be eliminated; At the same time, adsorption isotherm at 25 C of L-Lystine on anion exchange resin A was measured, the result showed that the maximal equilibrium adsorbance was 30mg/g, the influences of solution\'s pH value, temperature, concentration of chloride ion on adsorption of L-Lystine by anion exchange resin A were also studied, the results indicated that appropriate operational pH value was 0.5 0.2, the effect of temperature on adsorption ratio was little, process could be operated at room temperature, the concentration of chloride ion must be eliminated.


Yiqi Huoxue Paishi decoction have certain effects in curing rats that intragastrically administrated with 1.25% Ethylene Alcohol plus 1% ammonia chloride, the mechanism is reducing the Ca(superscript 2+), Mg(superscript 2+), P(superscript 3+), uric acid of the blood serum and increasing the Ca(superscript 2+), Mg(superscript 2+), P(superscript 3+), uric acid of the urine.

益气活血排石饮对1.25%乙二醇合1%氯化铵接灌胃制作草酸钙结石大鼠模型有肯定的疗效,通过降低血清Ca(上标 2+)、Mg(上标 2+)、P(上标 3+)、尿酸及肾组织草酸的含量以及增加尿Ca(上标 2+)、Mg(上标 2+)、P(上标 3+)与尿尿酸的排泄,发挥该方的治疗作用。

更多网络解释与ammonia chloride相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acetaldehyde ammonia:醛氨

acetabular lip 髋臼唇 | acetaldehyde ammonia 醛氨 | acetamide chloride 二氯代乙酰胺

ammonium salt:氨 ammonia 铵盐

二氧化氮 nitrogen dioxide | 氨 ammonia 铵盐 ammonium salt | 氯化铵 ammonium chloride

methyl chloride:甲基氯

注:不要使用含有以下化学药品的试剂清洁显示器:丙酮(Acetone)、酒精、甲苯(Toluene)、乙醛(Ethyl Acid)、氨(Ammonia)或甲基氯(Methyl Chloride). 如果您有其他化学试剂或溶液,并且不能确定是否合适,请不要使用.