英语人>词典>英汉 : alphabet soup的中文,翻译,解释,例句
alphabet soup的中文,翻译,解释,例句

alphabet soup

alphabet soup的基本解释


更多网络例句与alphabet soup相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Phoebe: I brought you alphabet soup.


I brought you alphabet soup.


Hard to figure out, the role this alphabet soup of stuff plays in helping keep you thin?


Alphabet Soup is a project which attempts to determine a number of things about the shapes of letters in several different writing systems.

Alphabet Soup是一个涉及在几个不同的写作系统中决定字母样式时要解决的问题的项目。

I brought alphabet soup.- Pick out the vowels?


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更多网络解释与alphabet soup相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alphabet soup:字母汤

比如小说>(Alphabet Soup),写一个印度女青年,出世美国,由其父供养在美国东岸读贵族学校. 但是她却为失去自己祖宗的根而伤心,最后决定回到真正的印度,去寻觅自己的文化源头. 然而很不幸,当她踏上自己的家乡,她才发现自己被同胞们看作外人,

alphabet soup:字母形花片汤

alphabet length | 字母 长度尺 | alphabet soup | 字母形花片汤 | alphabet | 字母表

I brought you alphabet soup:我带字母汤来给你

[11:39.812]Hey,Weird Girl. 嘿,古怪女孩. | [11:41.234]I brought you alphabet soup. 我带字母汤来给你. | [11:43.191]Did you pick out the vowels? 你挑掉有母音吗?

I brought alphabet soup. - Pick out the vowels:我带字母汤来给你 - 你挑出有元音了吗

- Hey, Lizzy. - Hey, weird girl.|- 嘿,露西 - 嘿,... | - I brought alphabet soup. - Pick out the vowels?|- 我带字母汤来给你 - 你挑出有元音了吗? | - And something else. - Saltines?|- 我还带了其他东西给你...

Mary drank his words like a bowl of alphabet soup|Mary:还是像背字母表那样 一字一字的读了他的信

Even though Max's letter smelt like fish heads and orange ... | Mary drank his words like a bowl of alphabet soup|Mary还是像背字母表那样 一字一字的读了他的信 | and hadn't been this excited|自从Grandpop...