英语人>网络解释>重要 相关的搜索结果


与 重要 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is a big deal


dressed down 穿着龌龊 | it is a big deal 这是件重要的事 | rotten guys 倒霉的家伙

find a good job


emma的答案:)(2008-04-21 19:18:10) | 1.现在对自己最重要的是什么?find a good job | 2.你最希望你的他/她那一个方面和你相同?study

This is a matter of life and death


一切聽你的 anything you say | 這是一個重要問題 this is a matter of life and death | 好注意 splendid idea

Soon after that I ran a relay race during an important high school track and field meet

(不久,在学校一次重要的田径会上,我参加了接力赛. )

13) The California sunlig... | 14) Soon after that I ran a relay race during an important high school track and field meet.(不久,在学校一次重要的田径会上,我参加了接力赛. ) | 15) She was already half wa...

Soon after that I ran a relay race during an important high school track and field meet

不久,在学校的一次重要的田径会上,我参加了接力赛. )

13) The California sunli... | 14) Soon after that I ran a relay race during an important high school track and field meet. ( 不久,在学校的一次重要的田径会上,我参加了接力赛. ) | 15) She was already half...

above all


of one's free will 出于自愿 | above all最重要的 | first of all首先

And above all


They have to wanna make money.|想赚钱 | And above all :|最重要的-- | They have to be disposable.|他们没有存在的价值

And above all


to my parents, whose examples have provided strength for a lifetime.|以及我的父母 是他们... | And above all,|而最重要的 | I thank the American people for the trust you have given me.|我要感谢你们 感谢你...

above all things

尤其是, 最重要的是, 首要的是

a near thing 差点发生的意外事件; 千钧一发, 极其危险 差点失败的事情, 侥幸成功的事情 | above all things 尤其是, 最重要的是, 首要的是 | all things considered 从各方面看来, 总的看来

Above All,Love


Smile at the One You Love 向你爱的人微笑 | Above All,Love 最重要的,是爱 | Rice Pudding 米饭布丁

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IFF Interchange File format:文件交换格式

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电机及电子学工程师联合会 | IFF Interchange File Format 文件交换格式 | IIS Internet Information Server 因特网信息服务器

proper fraction","a number below the line of a fraction:真分数

"分母","denominator","a number above the line of a fraction... | "真分数","proper fraction","a number below the line of a fraction" | "假分数","improper fraction","the numerator less than the denominat...


3、焊接结构上横梁(CROWN)的设计母处的承力板(13-16板)与上下盖板(1-2板)的连接应采用D方式,当上梁下面与立柱(UPRIGHT)连接时该接头可为C方式. 主腹板、主筋板与上下盖板的连接,各筋板与主腹板的连接可采用C方式,外腹板与上下盖板的连接为C方式,