英语人>网络解释>坏 相关的搜索结果

与 坏 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at the worst


43.at the sight of 见. | 44.at the worst 到极点,在极状态. | 45.attribute to 归...的因于.

as blind as a brickbat

视力非常坏, 瞎得厉害 对周围的事物完全看不见

as blind as a beetle 视力非常, 瞎得厉害 对周围的事物完全看不见 | as blind as a brickbat 视力非常, 瞎得厉害 对周围的事物完全看不见 | as blind as a mole 视力非常, 瞎得厉害 对周围的事物完全看不见

as blind as a brickbat

视力非常坏, 瞎得厉害

as blind as a beetle | 视力非常, 瞎得厉害 | as blind as a brickbat | 视力非常, 瞎得厉害 | as blind as a mole | 视力非常, 瞎得厉害

Curate's egg


**Cupboard love 有所企图的亲热 | Curate's egg 不好不的东西,不好不的 | Curiosity killed the cat 好奇心,惹祸根

Curate's egg


curate | 副牧师, 助理牧师 | curate's egg | 不好不的东西,亦好亦的事 | curative | 医疗的 药品

for the worse

向坏的方面发展, 恶化; 更坏

for better (or) for worse 不论好, 祸福与共 | for the worse 向的方面发展, 恶化; 更 | go from bad to worse 越来越, 每况愈下

go from bad to worse

越来越坏, 每况愈下

for the worse 向的方面发展, 恶化; 更 | go from bad to worse 越来越, 每况愈下 | have the worse 遭到失败; 处于不利地位

go bad


go all out 全力以赴 | go bad (食物等)变,掉 | go by 走过,经过



"I'll send you to the airport." ("我会送你到机场. ") | spoil - 弄(动词)或是已经掉的(名词或形容词) | "This one, spoil."("这个已经了. ")

Worst Case


worn-out fixed assets 磨损的固定资产 | worst case 最情况,最条件 | worst case analysis 最情况分析

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rosin spirit:松脂醇; 松香精

rectified spirit精馏酒精 | rosin spirit松脂醇; 松香精 | rye spirit黑麦酒精

Funeral home prep rooms are filled with toxic chemicals. - And cadavers:殡仪准备室充满了有毒化学剂 - 和尸体

- That was amber. - Nice try,cutthroat bi... | - Funeral home prep rooms are filled with toxic chemicals. - And cadavers.|- 殡仪准备室充满了有毒化学剂 - 和尸体 | Everybody in that place obviously died ...

AMP amplitude:振幅,幅度

AMP Amplifier 放大器,扩大器 | AMP Amplitude 振幅,幅度 | AMPA Adaptive Multibeam Phased Array 自适应多波束相控阵