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worth one's salt相关的网络解释

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与 worth one's salt 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

worth one's `salt deserving what one earns; doing one's job competently:值得雇用; 称职

* I don't bother to iron handkerchiefs it's not worth it.... | 5) worth one's 'salt deserving what one earns; doing one's job competently 值得雇用; 称职: | Any teacher worth his salt knows that. 只要不...

worth one's salt:称职

the writing on the wall 不祥之兆 | worth one's salt 称职 | Years bring wisdom. 年岁带来智慧

worth one's salt:值得雇佣,称职

He salted away part of his wages each month.他每月把一部分工资储蓄起来. | 2、worth one's salt值得雇佣,称职 | Not everyone in our factory is worth his salt.我们工厂里并非人人都称职.

worth one's salt:胜任, 称职, 不是白吃饭的, 值得付给报酬

the salt of youth 青年人的热情(莎士比亚语) | with a grain of salt 有保留地; 须打折扣地; 持保留[怀疑]态度 | worth one's salt 胜任, 称职, 不是白吃饭的, 值得付给报酬

worth one's salt:某人(通常指被雇用的)所干的活/所起的作用值得付给他的那些钱

Feast one's eyes on 意为"愉快地欣赏,观看......" | Worth one's salt 某人(通常指被雇用的)所干的活/所起的作用值得付给他的那些钱 | On one's feet 除了表示"(要某人)站起来"以外,还可表示独立的,安全的

not worth one's salt:不称职

none of one's business 与某人无关(别多管闲事) | not worth one's salt 不称职 | odds and ends 零碎的东西/事情

be worth one's salt:所干的活对的起工资

15. send sb. to the chair 电刑处死 | 16. be worth one's salt 所干的活对的起工资 | 17. Great Scott 天哪!

be worth one's salt:称职

Turn pike收费路段 | Be worth one's salt称职 | Earn one's salt自食其力

be worth one's salt:值得尊重的人

Sunday saint 道貌岸然的人 | be worth one's salt 值得尊重的人 | be armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿

To be worth one's salt:意即称职的、胜任的、有能力的

8、To take...with a pinch of salt.抱着半信半疑的... | 9、To be worth one's salt 意即称职的、胜任的、有能力的 | Any doctor worth his salt should know how to cure the illness.任何一个称职的医生都应知道如何治...

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absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

