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与 wordiness 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wordiness and intellection:多言多慮

從空背空 While the upholding of the void may result in contradicting itself. | 多言多慮 Wordiness and intellection - | 轉不相應 The more with them the further astray we go;

Away therefore with wordiness and intellection:絶言絶慮

轉不相應 The more with them the further astray we go; | 絶言絶慮 Away therefore with wordiness and intellection, | 無處不通 And there is no place where we cannot pass freely.


witness 证明 | wordiness 多嘴 | workmanship 工艺


"word power",,,,,"单词表达力" | "wordiness",,,,,"多话、罗嗦" | "wordy",,,,,"罗嗦的"

wordiness:多嘴; 冗长 (名)

wordily 唠叨地; 罗嗦地 (副) | wordiness 多嘴; 冗长 (名) | wording 印字, 措词, 语法 (名)

Avoid wordiness and unfamiliar words:避免冗长和陌生的单词

Complete sentences 完整的句子的使用 | Avoid wordiness and unfamiliar words 避免冗长和陌生的单词 | Precision in choice of words 选词的准确性


"wordiness",,,,,"多话、罗嗦" | "wordy",,,,,"罗嗦的" | "writer-responsible",,,,,"作者文责的"


wordbook /字典集/字典/歌词集/ | wordily /唠叨地/罗唆地/多言地/ | wordiness /多嘴/


make one's point:证明一个论点

535make a mess of把...弄脏;把...弄糟 | 536make one's point证明一个论点 | 537make the point证明一个论点


在各类细.变形杆菌检验 变形杆菌(Proteus)在自然界分布极广,人和动物的粪便带菌很高,各类食品及用具等均可检出,虽是常见的腐生细菌,但在严重污染的食物中,通过生长繁殖后,.

storage ring:儲存環 =存儲環

storage battery 累積器 =蓄電池 | storage ring 儲存環 =存儲環 | stosszahlansatz 分子混沌= 分子混沌擬設