英语人>网络解释>straight from the shoulder 相关的网络解释
straight from the shoulder相关的网络解释

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与 straight from the shoulder 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a cold shoulder:冷淡

straight from the shoulder 直截了当地,一针见血地 | a cold shoulder 冷淡 | a chip on one"s shoulder 好斗

straight from the shoulder:狠狠地

straight face 不显现表情的脸 | straight from the shoulder 狠狠地 | straight goods 真相

straight from the shoulder:直截了当

to see eye to eye 与(某人)看法一致 | straight from the shoulder 直截了当 | to take something with a grain of salt 对某事半信半疑或不全信

straight from the shoulder:直截了当的[地], 全力以赴的[地]

stand head and shoulder above sb. 远胜于某人 | straight from the shoulder 直截了当的[地], 全力以赴的[地] | take sth. on one's own shoulders 自己承担(责任)

straight from the shoulder:狠狠地, 直截了当地, 一针见血地

Straight face 不露表情的脸,没有表情的脸 | Straight from the shoulder " 狠狠地, 直截了当地, 一针见血地 | Strain every nerve 竭力

Speak straight from the shoulder:直接了当地说吧

6 Give me a second to catch my breath. 先让我喘口气. | 7 Speak straight from the shoulder. 直接了当地说吧! | 2 That Jack.I'll talk it over with him. 那个杰克!我会找他谈谈的.

straight from the shoulder"=frankly put:直率地,坦率地

In a university you rub shoulders with all kinds of people. ... | 5."straight from the shoulder"=frankly put 直率地,坦率地 | John asked what he had done wrong. Bob told him straight from the shoulder. ...

please talk straight from the shoulder:请直言不讳的说吧

别管我的闲事. don't poke your nose into my business. | 请直言不讳的说吧. please talk straight from the shoulder. | 这好像是您第一次来我们公司访问. i understand this is your first visit to our compan...

You''d better tell him straight from the shoulder:你最好直言相告他

79. 别瞒我. Don''t keep me in the dark. | 80. 你最好直言相告他. You''d better tell him straight from the shoulder. | 81. 我到处找你. I searched for you everywhere.

John asked what he had done wrong. Bob told him straight from the shoulder:约翰问他做错了什么.鲍勃坦率地告诉了他

5."straight from the shoulder"=frankly put 直率地,坦率地 | John asked what he had done wrong. Bob told him straight from the shoulder. 约翰问他做错了什么.鲍勃坦率地告诉了他. | skeleton 骨骼:

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make one's point:证明一个论点

535make a mess of把...弄脏;把...弄糟 | 536make one's point证明一个论点 | 537make the point证明一个论点


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