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spur a willing horse相关的网络解释

查询词典 spur a willing horse

与 spur a willing horse 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

flog/beat a dead horse:徒劳,浪费精力

put the cart before the horse 本末倒置 | flog/beat a dead horse 徒劳,浪费精力 | flog/spur a willing horse 对努力工作的人进行不必要的督促

spur a willing horse:给予不必要的刺激

spunky 生气蓬勃的 | spur a willing horse 给予不必要的刺激 | spur gear 正齿轮

spur a willing horse:对努力工作的人进行不必要的督促

flog a willing horse 对努力工作的人进行不必要的督促 | spur a willing horse 对努力工作的人进行不必要的督促 | flying horse 文艺女神 诗歌; 诗兴 [天]飞马座

spur a willing horse:无故加鞭;给予不必要的刺激

49.hold one's horses (俚)忍耐 | 50. spur a willing horse无故加鞭;给予不必要的刺激 | 51.eat like a horse 狼吞虎咽,吃得很多

spur a willing horse:比喻给予了不必要的刺激

put the cart before the horse 本末倒置 | spur a willing horse 比喻给予了不必要的刺激 | eat like a horse 狼吞虎咽,吃得很多

flog/spur a willing horse:对努力工作的人进行不必要的督促

flog/beat a dead horse 徒劳,浪费精力 | flog/spur a willing horse 对努力工作的人进行不必要的督促 | be/come/get down off one's high horse 放下臭架子, 不再骄傲自大; 不再生气

Never spur a willing horse:不要鞭打快牛

(73)Never buy a pig in a poke.雾里看花,走眼;隔袋买猪,受骗. | (74)Never spur a willing horse.不要鞭打快牛. | (75)Nightingales will not sing in a cage.笼里夜莺不唱歌,浪里蛟龙任腾越.

(13) Never spur a willing horse:不要鞭抽快马. (物极必反)

(12) Never look a gift horse in the mouth. 别人送的马不要看有多少牙. (别人有善送的... | (13) Never spur a willing horse. 不要鞭抽快马. (物极必反) | (14) All lay loads on a willing horse. 愿意负重的马长受...

Do not spur a willing horse:快马毋须再着鞭

风马牛不相及的事 a horse of another color | 快马毋须再着鞭. Do not spur a willing horse. | 袜类 hosiery

Do not spur a willing horse:快马毋需再着鞭

horse around 胡闹,捣蛋 | Do not spur a willing horse.快马毋需再着鞭. | You may (can) take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink.好建议尽可以提,但不能强迫别人照着做.

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The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子