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Better to keep Daniel reined in:[总比让Daniel陷进去要好]

Just add "publisher" to it. [只是再兼个发行] | Better to keep Daniel reined in. [总比让Daniel陷进去要好] | I'd rather you concentrated on the job at hand [我看你还是做好本职工作吧]

Daniel silvers:前列腺癌 开非格司亭 两周的剂量

I'd rather lose my job than lose ... | Daniel silvers,prostate cancer, needs filgrastim,two-week supply.|Daniel silvers 前列腺癌 开非格司亭 两周的剂量 | Andrea donavan,breast cancer, just needs her ref...

Daniel silvers,prostate cancer, needs filgrastim,two-week supply.|Daniel silvers:前列腺癌 开非格司亭 两周的剂量

I'd rather lose my job than lose ... | Daniel silvers,prostate cancer, needs filgrastim,two-week supply.|Daniel silvers 前列腺癌 开非格司亭 两周的剂量 | Andrea donavan,breast cancer, just needs her ref...

If you have quite finished squandering your magic:如果你不把魔法浪费在让你变美

Bollocks.|小公牛 | If you have quite finished squandering your magic|如果你不把魔法浪费在让你变美 | on your rather counterproductive beauty routine,|这种不可能的事情上

made stickier by the fact that you're still married:更严重的是 事实上你仍是有夫之妇

So, you see, it's rather a sticky subject...... | made stickier by the fact that you're still married.|更严重的是 事实上你仍是有夫之妇 | - You're married? - I'm not married. I'm separated.|-你结婚了? -...

Quiet unless excited or tensed:(嗯,还好)

Knows how to make others happy.(呃,这个要我肯下心思的话也不难啦,哈哈) | Quiet unless excited or tensed.(嗯,还好) | Rather reserved.(这个确实有点. )

I fret and suffer torments:我焦虑、痛苦无比

and throw myself in the Arno 纵身跃入亚诺河...... | I fret and suffer torments 我焦虑、痛苦无比! | Oh God, I would rather die 哦,神啊,我宁可去死!

The western plains are subject to tornadoes:西部平原常遭受龙卷风的袭击

John is in rather poor health and is subject to colds.约翰身体很弱... | The western plains are subject to tornadoes.西部平原常遭受龙卷风的袭击. | 5.depending on some change,happening or need有待...的;...

make appointments:约会; 约定

after all 终究; 毕竟 | make appointments 约会; 约定 | would rather ��愿; 宁可

Didn't notice I was fighting any contenders:我没发现有和我水平相当的选手啊

Too good to fight these contenders, you'd rather fight some bullshit c... | Didn't notice I was fighting any contenders.|我没发现有和我水平相当的选手啊 | Well, you can get yourself another manager any ...

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Rather Fuck You
I'd Rather Be A Man
I Would Rather Hide
She'd Rather Fight
Rather Unique
I'd Rather Be Broke
Rather Be Me
Rather Be
Rather Die Young
I'd Rather Go Blind

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子