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与 owners 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the trees will grow tall, bringing shade for hammocks:树木会茂盛,提供凉爽树阴

Once restored to its rightful owners, the rivers will be Iaden with fish.... | And the trees will grow tall, bringing shade for hammocks...|树木会茂盛,提供凉爽树阴 | ...so its people may rest their bac...

British Trawlers Federation:英国拖网渔船联盟

British Transport Committee 英国运输委员会 | British Trawlers Federation 英国拖网渔船联盟 | British Tug Owners Association 英国拖轮船东协会

pour point:流动点

燃油供应商经常想方设法让船员以"船舶和船东的代理人"(Agent of the vessel and her owners)身份签收燃油,从而依靠此类的陈述让船东承担支付油款的义务. 在本案中,燃油买卖合同双方的质量条款中关於流动点(pour point)的规定如下:

Ka Vo Court Property Owner Association:家和阁业主联谊会

Island Park Owners Association 海逸庭园业主会 | Ka Vo Court Property Owner Association 家和阁业主联谊会 Associa??o dos Proprietários de Ka Vo Court | Kam Un Tai Ha Ip Chu Lun I Wui 金苑大厦业主联谊会

wharf owner's liability:码头老板责任

Wharf Owner's Association 码头所有人协会 | wharf owner's liability 码头老板责任 | wharf owners liability 由码头主负责

OP Open policy:预约保单

OWRS Owners 船东 | OP Open policy 预约保单 | OR Owner's risks 船东风险

front room:客厅

威胁要起诉业主threatening the owners with prosecution | 客厅front room | 屋宇署长梁展文Director of Buildings Leung Chin-man

Persatuan Chan Pahang:彭亨陈氏联宗会

14 Central Kedah Coffee Shop Owners' Association 吉中咖啡公会 | 15 Persatuan Chan Pahang 彭亨陈氏联宗会 | 16 Persatuan Hokkien Teluk Intan 安顺福建公会

Kedah Chinese Assembly Hall:吉打州华人大会堂

43 Perak Lorry Owners Association 霹雳罗哩同业公会 | 44 Kedah Chinese Assembly Hall 吉打州华人大会堂 | 45 Persatuan Pemborong Ikan Ipoh.Perak 怡保鱼商公会

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absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

