英语人>网络解释>on the mend 相关的网络解释
on the mend相关的网络解释

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与 on the mend 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

on the mend:在好转中

on the mat 受责备 | on the mend 在好转中 | on the mending hand 在好转中

on the mend:病情在好转件

(6) On the make:热衷于追求名利 | (7) On the mend:病情在好转件 | The doctor said that he was on the mend.医生说他的病情正在好转.

on the mend:(病情或事态)在好转中

Our guard was often on the watch, and always on the listen. 我们的守门员经常保持警惕,总是耳听八方. | on the mend(病情或事态)在好转中: | The patient is on the mend. 这病人的病情在好转.

on the mend:病情在好转

On the make 热衷于追求名利 * | On the mend 病情在好转 * | On the move 在活动中 *

Be on the mend:在恢复中(比如身体)

Thumb your nose at sth. 对...看不起,藐视 | Be on the mend 在恢复中(比如身体) | Mend your ways 改邪归正

Be on the mend:病情或事态在好转中

6 have a memory like a sieve记忆力极差 | 7 be on the mend 病情或事态在好转中 | 8 get the message领会含意, 明白;了解对方的意思(需要)等

make good progressbe on the mend:进展良好

复康器材rehabilitation-aid equipment | 进展良好make good progressbe on the mend | 经敷药后已出院have been treated and discharged

The patient is on the mend:这病人的病情在好转

on the mend(病情或事态)在好转中: | The patient is on the mend. 这病人的病情在好转. | Conditions at present certainly are on the mend. 目前情况肯定是在好转中.

make good progre /be on the mend:进展良好

复康器材rehabilitation-aid equipment | 进展良好make good progre /be on the mend | 经敷药后已出院have been treated and discharged

make good progress/be on the mend:进展良好

复康器材rehabilitation-aid equipment | 进展良好make good progress/be on the mend | 经敷药后已出院have been treated and discharged

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On The Mend

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

