英语人>网络解释>illness 相关的网络解释

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与 illness 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be down with an illness/ be laid up:病倒

indignation n. 愤怒, 义愤, 愤慨 | 病倒 be down with an illness/ be laid up | at one swoop猛扑, 突然袭击 adv. 一下子(一举,突袭)

She had to beg off for a week because of her illness:她因病不得不请了一周的假

beg off请假;请示免除(责任、责罚等): | She had to beg off for a week because of her illness. 她因病不得不请了一周的假. | beg sb. off (from sth.) 替某人请示原谅;为某人说情:

Cabby had no criminal record or history of mental illness:司机没有犯罪纪录,也没有精神疾病

So that Oakland detective never bought it.|奥克兰警局有个警... | Cabby had no criminal record or history of mental illness.|司机没有犯罪纪录,也没有精神疾病 | Pops three people, then himself?|突然宰了三...

Consoling: Illness:慰问篇:生病

54 Consoling: Funerals 慰问篇:葬礼 | 55 Consoling: Illness 慰问篇:生病 | 56 On the Telephone: Making a Call 电话篇:打电话

incurable illness:不治之症

terminal illness 绝症 | incurable illness 不治之症 | cancer 癌症

Is your maidservant catch a illness:你的丫环生病了吗

A 你的女儿生病了吗? Is your daughter catch a illness? | B 你的丫环生病了吗? Is your maidservant catch a illness? | C 你的脑子有病了吗? Are you have something wrong?

illness suited:不适合

illness management 管理不善 | illness suited 不适合 | illuminance 照度

长期或终身threating生病或受伤:Long-term or life threating illness or injury

Began taking care of a parent or another relative开始... | Long-term or life threating illness or injury长期或终身threating生病或受伤 | Long-term illness, injury or disability of household member长期患...

Long-term or life threating illness or injury:长期或终身threating生病或受伤

Began taking care of a parent or another relative开始... | Long-term or life threating illness or injury长期或终身threating生病或受伤 | Long-term illness, injury or disability of household member长期患...

Mental illness means:精神病意味着

If it's not M.S.,Severe mental illness and vicodin are all that's left.|如果不是多发性硬化症 只剩下精神病... | Mental illness means...|精神病意味着... | you can no longer practice medicine.|你再也不能从...

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Love Is Illness
Hotel Illness
But A Fleeting Illness

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子