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give words to相关的网络解释

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与 give words to 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Give bountifully to thy servant, enliven me: and I shall keep thy words:上主惩罚我虽严厉非常,但却没有把我交于死亡

我不至於死,必要生存,我要宣揚上主的工程.... | 上主懲罰我雖嚴厲非常,但卻沒有把我交於死亡. Give bountifully to thy servant, enliven me: and I shall keep thy words. | 請給我敞開正義的門,我要進去向上主謝恩;...

Fantail goldfish are easy to look after:句型

give the goldfish some more fish food 给鱼多一些鱼食 | 句型 Fantail goldfish are easy to look after. | think of words to describe its appearance 想到一些词来描述它的外貌

give a bad account of oneself:[俚贬]干得差劲, 表现不好

give words to 用言语表达. | give a bad account of oneself [俚贬]干得差劲, 表现不好. | give a ball 举行舞会.

give witness on behalf of sb:为某人作证

give weight to 重视. 加强..., 为...提出强有力的证据. | give witness on behalf of sb. 为某人作证. | give words to 用言语表达.

give words to:用言语表达

give witness on behalf of sb. 为某人作证. | give words to 用言语表达. | give a bad account of oneself [俚贬]干得差劲, 表现不好.

under riverbank you give your words to me:在河岸边你给我你的承诺约言

The birs'll circle around you and ripples鸟群在你和微波四周... | under riverbank you give your words to me在河岸边你给我你的承诺约言 | sometimes it's into sun and it's into prose时而它融入阳光时而它变成...

under riverbank you give your words to me:在河堤下你给了我承诺

the birds were circles around you in ripples /波光中鸟儿在你... | under riverbank you give your words to me /在河堤下你给了我承诺 | Sometimes it's into sun and it's into blues /有时候那是阳光,有时候又...

Give me three words to describe this wine. Three words:用三个字形容,三个字

And it's ready to drink...|而且可以喝了... | Give me three words to describe this wine. Three words.|用三个字形容,三个字 | Did you know she was coming in?|你们知道她会来吗?

Give a thousand words of love to me:給我一千字的甜言蜜語

No mater where we are, don't let me go 不論我們在哪裡,不要讓我走 | Give a thousand words of love to me 給我一千字的甜言蜜語 | To let me make sure where I am 來讓我確定我身在何處

talk to:to say words aloud to give information to people:和某人谈话

5. a choice of:many things from which you can choose.可供选择的... | 6. talk to:to say words aloud to give information to people.和某人谈话. | 7. vary from ...to...:to change or be different.使不同,更改...

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Give Me Words To Speak

spirit varnish:挥发清漆

spirit stove 酒精炉 | spirit varnish 挥发清漆 | spirit 烈性酒

breechblock bushing:炮闩轴衬

breech-loading | 后膛装填的, 后装式的 | breechblock bushing | 炮闩轴衬 | breechblock | 尾栓, 闩体, 螺体


Agreeing 同意 | Disagreeing 不同意 | Focusing attention 集中注意力