英语人>网络解释>doctor 相关的网络解释

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与 doctor 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

intern doctor:实习医师

resident doctor住院医师 | intern doctor实习医师 | chief physician主任医师

The doctor said I look pale:医生说我脸色苍白

566.The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise. 医生建议我... | 567.The doctor said I look pale. 医生说我脸色苍白. | 568.If I want to be healthy. I have to stop smoking cigarettes. 如果要想身体健康...

The doctor said I look pale:医生说我看起来很苍白

566. The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise. 医生建议... | 567. The doctor said I look pale. 医生说我看起来很苍白. | 568. If I want to be healthy,I have to stop smoking cigarettes. 如果我想健康...

otorhinolaryngologist; E. N. T. Doctor:耳鼻喉科医师

眼科医师:ophthalmologist; eye doctor | 耳鼻喉科医师:otorhinolaryngologist; E. N. T. Doctor | 口腔科医师:stomatologist

Go see a doctor soon:赶紧去看医生吧

Don't move,I will call in the doctor. 别动,我去叫医生. | Go see a doctor soon! 赶紧去看医生吧. | Watch your steps and don't slip again.小心脚下,别再滑倒了.

The doctor snatched the patient from the jaws of death:大夫把病人从死亡边缘抢救过来

The main force will arrive soon.^大队人马随后就到.... | The doctor snatched the patient from the jaws of death.^大夫把病人从死亡边缘抢救过来. | The doctor saved the patient's life.^大夫挽救了病人的生命...

urologist; urological doctor:泌尿外科医师

外科医师:surgeon | 泌尿外科医师:urologist; urological doctor | 神经外科医师:neurosurgeon; neurosurgical doctor

Witch doctor's disease:巫医综合症

This spot looks like witch doctor's disease.|呃 那个褐斑像是巫医综合症 | Witch doctor's disease?|巫医综合症? | That's the most ridiculous disease, I've ever heard of, Steven.|我听过最荒唐的病 史蒂文

Doctor Tyler stop a case of Strickler's for six months:戴苏珊博士阻止史氏症的扩散

Or rather, she did.|其实功臣是她 | Doctor Tyler stop a case of Strickler's for six months.|戴苏珊博士阻止史氏症的扩散 | Doctor Susan Tyler.|戴博士

Turn on the pump. -Yes, Doctor:打开压力泵. -是,医生

Done with vascular reconstruction.|血管重建完... | -Turn on the pump. -Yes, Doctor.|-打开压力泵. -是,医生. | -Start re-warming the blood. -Yes, Doctor. Warming the blood.|-开始给血液加温. -是,医生. 血...

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Doctor Good Doctor
Doctor Doctor
Doctor, Doctor
Doctor Doctor
Doctor, Doctor
Doctor Doctor (Live)
Doctor Doctor
Doctor, Doctor
Bad Case Of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)
Doctor Doctor

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

