英语人>网络解释>cruelness 相关的网络解释

查询词典 cruelness

与 cruelness 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cruelly:残忍地, 残酷地

cruellie | 挖苦人的笑话(或言语、评论等) | cruelly | 残忍地, 残酷地 | cruelness | 残忍, 残酷

cruelness:残忍, 残酷

cruelly | 残忍地, 残酷地 | cruelness | 残忍, 残酷 | cruelty | 残忍, 残酷

page C: Cruelness:残忍

page B: Belief 信念 | page C: Cruelness 残忍 | page D: Dual 双重

Sabotage, everyone is capable of it. But some go about it more cruelness than the others:阴谋破坏,每个人都能做,但有些人可以做得更加冷酷

Sabotage, everyone is capable of it. But some go about it more cruelness than the others.阴谋破坏,每个人都能做,但有些人可以做得更加冷酷. | Like the ones who create veng... | Or the ones who hunger for...


spirit varnish:挥发清漆

spirit stove 酒精炉 | spirit varnish 挥发清漆 | spirit 烈性酒

breechblock bushing:炮闩轴衬

breech-loading | 后膛装填的, 后装式的 | breechblock bushing | 炮闩轴衬 | breechblock | 尾栓, 闩体, 螺体


Agreeing 同意 | Disagreeing 不同意 | Focusing attention 集中注意力