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与 cruel-hearted 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cruel, baleful, ferocious:残害凶险

Their hair like tangled weeds, 头发蓬乱 | cruel, baleful, ferocious, 残害凶险 | driven by hunger and thirst, 饥渴所逼

cruel and barbaric:残忍和野蛮的

animal rights 动物权益 | cruel and barbaric 残忍和野蛮的 | inhumane 不仁道的

be cruel to:对...残忍

fall down掉下 | be cruel to ...对...残忍 | at times有时,常常

You gotta be cruel to be kind:你将变得冷酷

Cruel to be kind means that I love you, baby|着意味着我爱你,宝贝 | You gotta be cruel to be kind|你将变得冷酷 | Ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-oo|喔

Don't be cruel to animals:不要殘忍地對待動物

cruel形容詞 殘忍的. | Don't be cruel to animals. 不要殘忍地對待動物. | culture名詞 文化.

Don't be cruel to animals:对动物不要残忍

17.cruel刻毒的,伤人的,残酷的 | Don't be cruel to animals.对动物不要残忍. | cruel remarks刻毒的话

Cruel blackguard:可恶

To the depths.|丢下海 | Cruel blackguard!|可恶 | Life is cruel.|生命是残酷的

Cruel blackguard:你真是残酷无情

To the depths. 把他丢下大海 | Cruel blackguard! 你真是残酷无情 | Life is cruel 人生本来就很残酷

has now become cruel and squalid:现在依旧残酷却更卑劣

which used to be cruel and magnificent,|曾是残酷并崇高的 | has now become cruel and squalid.|现在依旧残酷却更卑劣 | Once there was a small number|曾有一小部分

Not "Pigface" Draper. I'm sorry, that is downright cruel:不是"猪脸".德雷帕 抱歉,这么说真是太无理了

Ruthie "Pigface" Draper. Mom, Dad, what, are you kidding?|露茜."猪... | Not "Pigface" Draper. I'm sorry, that is downright cruel.|不是"猪脸".德雷帕 抱歉,这么说真是太无理了 | There's nothing cruel about ...

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Cruel Summer
Cruel One
Porqué Es Tan Cruel El Amor
Cruel Cruel
Hello Cruel World
Cruel Summer
Slow Cruel Hands Of Time
Cruel, Cruel World
Cruel Cruel World

be in luck:运气好

Be in harmony with 与...协调一致,与...和睦相处. | Be in luck 运气好 | Be in the dark 蒙在鼓里,不知道

alcohol resin:醇树脂

alcohol motor 酒精发动机 | alcohol resin 醇树脂 | alcohol soluble phenolic resin varnish 醇溶酚醛树脂清漆

bullae formation, vesiculation:水疱形成

bullae 大疱 | bullae formation, vesiculation 水疱形成 | bullous epidermal necrolysis 大疱性表皮坏死松解症