英语人>网络解释>carve 相关的网络解释

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与 carve 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

then and there:当场,当时

now or never 勿失良机,机不可失 | then and there 当场,当时 | cut and carve 使精炼,改动,乱砍

into my ugliness:刻上妳的名字

If you leave I'll take this blade to carve your name 如果妳走了 我會用刀刃在我醜陋... | into my ugliness 刻上妳的名字 | Summer's gone and there's no sun what have I done 夏天漸遠而那裡沒有陽光 我到底做...

vicissitudes of life:人生:气象万千

科技:镂月雕星Engrave the Moon and Carve the Stars | 时尚:暗香疏影Impressions of Fluidity | 人生:气象万千Vicissitudes of Life


cut and carve 乱砍, 变更, 使精练 | ampasimenite 霓霞斑岩 | Nucleophaga 噬核菌

Hang it with vair and purple dyes:用金色和紫色颜料涂染

Raise me a dais of silk and down; 为我造一座丝绒的讲坛 | Hang it with vair and purple dyes; 用金色和紫色颜料涂染; | carve it with doves and pomegranates 在上面雕刻鸽子和石榴

wool roped robe:毛襯夾克

毛邊短褲 frayed carve-off shorts; cutoff | 毛襯夾克 wool roped robe | 牛仔衣褲 jeans

scoop out:挖掘

创业:carve out | 挖掘:scoop out | 消亡:Die out

buck for:谋求

buck up 使振作 | buck for 谋求 | carve up 瓜分,划分

cut after:急忙跟随

cut adrift 使分开 | cut after 急忙跟随 | cut and carve 乱砍

cut after:追赶

cut adrift 使(船)漂流 割断联系, 自己谋生 | cut after 追赶 | cut and carve 乱砍[削] 改动, 变更 使精细

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Carve Your Heart Out Yourself
Students Carve Hearts Out Of Coal
Carve Away The Stone
Carve Our Names


Synthesis: Analog Passive Equalizers=合成: 无源模拟均衡 | Conjugates=变化 | Synthesis: Analog Passive Conjugates=合成:无源模拟变化

atrolactic acid:阿卓乳酸

atroglyceric acid 阿卓甘油酸 | atrolactic acid 阿卓乳酸 | atrolactinic acid 阿卓乳酸


carbing: 大量摄食碳水合物 | carbs: 碳水合物的总称 | circuit training: 巡回训练