英语人>网络解释>be about to do sth. 相关的网络解释
be about to do sth.相关的网络解释

查询词典 be about to do sth.

与 be about to do sth. 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be about to do sth:即将做某事

1. be able to do sth. 能够做某事 | 2. be about to do sth 即将做某事 | 3. according to sth. 根据、按照

be about to do sth:已经确定的,即将做某事

She is about to leave for Paris. 她马上要去巴黎. | be about to do sth. 已经确定的,即将做某事 | leave Beijing for Paris 离开北京去巴黎

be about to do sth:正要做某事

abandon oneself to 沉溺于(to是介词) | be about to do sth.正要做某事 | above all 最重要的是

be about to do sth...when:正要做某事

abandon oneself to 沉溺于(to是介词) | be about to do sth...when....正要做某事 | above all 最重要的是

be about to do sth...when:正要做某事......突然

attach to 依恋于,依附于 | be about to do sth... when 正要做某事......突然...... | eg.I was about to go shopping when it suddenly began to rain./我刚要出去买东西,天就突然下雨了.

be about to do sth...when:当...的时候

be able to do = be capable of doing 能够干 ( an able man 一个能干的人) | be about to do sth..when 当...的时候 | about four years = four years or so大约

be about to do sth...when:(正要---突然

7. Pay a visit to (参观) | 8. Be about to do sth, when (正要---突然-----) | 9. Learn a lesson from (从---中得到教训)

be about to do sth.=be on the point of doing sth:即将, 正要, 正打算

42. be about从事于,忙于,讲述的是 | 43. be about to do sth.=be on the point of doing sth.即将, 正要, 正打算 | 45. dream away虚度(时间等)

be about to do sth.=be on the point of doing sth:即将开始

2.alone=by one's self 独自的 | 3.be about to do sth.=be on the point of doing sth.即将开始 | 4.around the corner在拐角处

be about to do sth intend to do sth immediately; be on the point of doing sth:即将; 正要

He arrived (at) about ten o'clock. 他大约(在... | 1) be about to do sth intend to do sth immediately; be on the point of doing sth 即将; 正要: | As I was about to say when you interrupted me... 我正要说...

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make one's point:证明一个论点

535make a mess of把...弄脏;把...弄糟 | 536make one's point证明一个论点 | 537make the point证明一个论点


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