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与 athlete 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Japanese quince:贴梗海棠、枇杷

Japanese quail:鹌鹑 | Japanese quince:贴梗海棠、枇杷 | Spanish athlete:吹牛者(美俚语)

insect repellent:驅蟲

Athlete's foot 香港腳 | Insect repellent 驅蟲 | Symptoms 症狀

Russian dressing:加辣酱油的蛋黄酱(一种色拉佐料)

Russian boot 长统靴 | Russian dressing 加辣酱油的蛋黄酱(一种色拉佐料) | Spanish athlete 吹牛的人

self-image in competition:比赛自我意象

克拉克现象 Clarker phenomenon | 比赛自我意象 self-image in competition | 比赛型运动员 competition type athlete

Your shoelace is untied:你的鞋带松了

20 It is burning up out there. 外边热得跟火炉似的 | 1 Your shoelace is untied. 你的鞋带松了. | 2 Your feet stink, I guess you have athlete's foot. 你的脚好臭,我看是得了香港脚了吧?

Your shoelace is untied:你鞋带松了

10.You scared me , You frightened me. 你吓到我了. | 1.Your shoelace is untied.你鞋带松了. | 2. Your feet stink, I guess you have athlete's feet.你脚真臭,我猜是香港脚吧.

Olympic slogan:奥运口号

运动员 athlete | 奥运口号 Olympic slogan | 同一个世界,同一个梦想 One World, One Dream

Holy smokes:我的天

That's you.|就是你 | Holy smokes.|我的天 | "At only 16, Jake Fischer displays the traits of a seasoned athlete.|"只有16岁 杰克.费舍尔却展现了其超强的运动天赋"

Subcutaneous Fat:皮下脂肪

中肥脂肪(abdominal fat)较其他皮下脂肪(subcutaneous fat)会令人更易患上下列长期病或过早死亡:过度训练或运动(overtraining)对运动员(athlete)或普通运动爱好人士都不是一件好事.


有时候凉鞋和其它种类的鞋区别不明显,但一般认为凉鞋暴露脚的大部分,特别是脚趾(toes). 穿凉鞋有很多好处,包括某种程度上可以治疗脚湿气(athlete's foot),汉语也叫'香港脚',一种真菌感染(fungal infection).

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The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子