英语人>网络解释>a piece of paper 相关的网络解释
a piece of paper相关的网络解释

查询词典 a piece of paper

与 a piece of paper 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

break a bar of chocolate:掰开巧克力

折纸 fold a piece of paper | 掰开巧克力 break a bar of chocolate | 推手推车 push a cart

a box of chocolates:(一盒巧克力糖)

a bar of chocolate (一块巧克力) | a box of chocolates (一盒巧克力糖) | a piece of paper ( 一张纸)

a pair of glasses (scissors, spectacles, trousers, pants, pliers):(一副眼镜,一把剪刀,一副眼镜,一条裤子,一条裤子,一把剪钳)等

a cow, a horse, a pen, a book(一头... | a pair of glasses (scissors, spectacles, trousers, pants, pliers)(一副眼镜,一把剪刀,一副眼镜,一条裤子,一条裤子,一把剪钳)等. | a piece of paper, a piece of inform...

a piece of candy:一块糖

a pair of sunglasses一副太阳镜 U1 B8 | a piece of candy一块糖 U1 B7 | a roll of toilet paper一卷手纸 U1 B7

a piece of string/wood:一截绳子;一块木头

a piece of string/wood 一截绳子;一块木头 | She wrote something on a small piece of paper. 她在一小片纸上写了点什么. | a large piece of land 一大片土地

Have you a scrap of paper I can write on:你有一小片能让我写点东西的纸吗

3. scrap: a small piece, esp if not very important or greatl... | Have you a scrap of paper I can write on? 你有一小片能让我写点东西的纸吗? | I only heard some scraps of their conversation. 他们的谈话我...

a sheet of paper:一页纸

a piece of advice 一条忠告 | a pot of jam 一罐果酱 | a sheet of paper 一页纸

piece of paper money:纸币;钞票

besides prep. as well as 除了......以外 adv. in addition 而且 | 2. piece of paper money 纸币;钞票 | 3. plan for a future law 结案;议案

small piece of paper:小片纸

There are too many slips in your work. 你工作中有许多疏忽之处. | n. 小片纸 small piece of paper | Paul gave me a slip with his telephone number on it. 保罗给我一张纸条,上面有他的电话号码.

a sheet/piece of paper:一页纸

a jar of jam 一罐果酱 | a sheet/piece of paper 一页纸 | an item of news一则新闻

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absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

