英语人>网络解释>a pair of sunglasses 相关的网络解释
a pair of sunglasses相关的网络解释

查询词典 a pair of sunglasses

与 a pair of sunglasses 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a can of:一罐...... cans of... 几罐

26. There is an apple, some pears and a pair of sunglasses in it. 它里面有一个苹... | 27. a can of... 一罐...... cans of... 几罐...... | Boys also have cans of coke beside their trainers. 男孩们也会有几...

a pair of sunglasses:一副太阳镜

16.ask questions 问问题 | 17.a pair of sunglasses 一副太阳镜 | 18.the school magazine 校刊

a pair of sunglasses:一副眼镜

some comic books 一些漫画书 | a pair of sunglasses 一副眼镜 | a teddy bear 玩具熊

wear a pair of sunglasses:戴太阳镜

1. 弹吉它 play the guitar | 2. 戴太阳镜 wear a pair of sunglasses | 3. 随着世界的发展 with the development of the world

Revision Lesson 5 A pair of sunglasses:复习课5 一副太阳镜

Revision Lesson 3 Photographs of our holiday ;复习课3 我们的假日照片 | Revision Lesson 5 A pair of sunglasses ;复习课5 一副太阳镜 | Revision Lesson 7 Please pay attention! ;复习课7 请注意听讲!

The famous actress wears a pair of sunglasses:(唯恐被别人认出来)

45. John would rather his mother ____________... | 46. The famous actress wears a pair of sunglasses _______________________(唯恐被别人认出来). | 47. I should say Mr. Smith is ________________________...

day or night , she wears a pair of sunglasses:不论白天黑夜,她总是戴着太阳眼镜

她讨厌太阳 she hates the sun | 不论白天黑夜,她总是戴着太阳眼镜 day or night , she wears a pair of sunglasses | 努力的掩饰镜片背后的她 the sunglasses shields her trueself

Mother:I want to buy a pair of sunglasses, please:母亲:我想买副太阳镜

[01:31.29]Narrator:Mother is at a shop with father. She wants to buy a pair... | [01:38.58]Mother:I want to buy a pair of sunglasses, please. ;母亲:我想买副太阳镜. | [01:42.50]Assistant:Try on this pai...

a piece of candy:一块糖

a pair of sunglasses一副太阳镜 U1 B8 | a piece of candy一块糖 U1 B7 | a roll of toilet paper一卷手纸 U1 B7

an old sketch-book:一个旧的写生本)

a new camera ( 一个新相机) | an old sketch-book ( 一个旧的写生本) | a pair of sunglasses ( 一副太阳镜)

第1/2页 1 2 > 尾页

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

