英语人>网络解释>a number of 相关的网络解释
a number of相关的网络解释

查询词典 a number of

与 a number of 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a number of:一些,许多

now that 既然,由于 . | a number of 一些,许多 . | any number of 许多 .

a number of:若干,许多

a lot of 大量的,许多 | a number of 若干,许多 | a series of 一系列,一连串

a number of:若干

numb "a.麻木的,失去感觉的; v.使麻木; " | a number of 若干 | numerous "a.众多的,许多的,大批的; "

quite a number of:相当大量的, 相当多的

production number [戏]全体演员都参加演出的特别节目 | quite a number of 相当大量的, 相当多的 | serial number 士兵的号数, 入位编号; (装备, 人员, 文件等)编号; 产品的序号

a number of people:一些/很多人 (注意与the number of...比较)

feed on fish 吃鱼 | a number of people一些/很多人 (注意与the number of...比较) | warn people about sharks in the water 警告人们注意水中的鲨鱼

a number of questions:许多 the number of ...的数目

55. ask questions in an order 按次序问问题 | 56. a number of questions; 许多 the number of ...的数目 | 57. draw a conclusion; come to a conclusion 得出结论

The city looked more and more a breeding ground for a number of beauty and fashion trend:看着这个城市里越来越多滋生着的若干美丽和时尚的潮流

遍觉人间识淡定略有味 Dand... | 看着这个城市里越来越多滋生着的若干美丽和时尚的潮流, The city looked more and more a breeding ground for a number of beauty and fashion trend | 我们却依旧喜欢华灯初上,夜色...

You may construe the statement of the goverment spokesman in a number of different ways:政府发言人的声明可以有好几种解释

1080.They brought home hea... | 1081.You may construe the statement of the goverment spokesman in a number of different ways.政府发言人的声明可以有好几种解释. | 1083.The growth of any new-born thing i...

some adj. certain, but not known or named, a number of, any:某些; 若干; 少许; 任何一个

in silence 沉默地 | some adj. certain, but not known or named, a number of, any某些; 若干; 少许; 任何一个 | pron. a certain number or quantity若干; 少数

All you have here are a number of titillating speculations:你这里只有一些表面上的推测而已

It would be fatally irresponsible and libelous... | All you have here are a number of titillating speculations.|你这里只有一些表面上的推测而已 | Flamboyant theories that tarnish a man,and a well-known ...

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Synthesis: Analog Passive Equalizers=合成: 无源模拟均衡 | Conjugates=变化 | Synthesis: Analog Passive Conjugates=合成:无源模拟变化

atrolactic acid:阿卓乳酸

atroglyceric acid 阿卓甘油酸 | atrolactic acid 阿卓乳酸 | atrolactinic acid 阿卓乳酸


carbing: 大量摄食碳水合物 | carbs: 碳水合物的总称 | circuit training: 巡回训练