英语人>网络解释>All right then 相关的网络解释
All right then相关的网络解释

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与 All right then 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All right, then:好吧

I gotta go.|我得走了 | All right, then.|好吧 | I appreciate it, Nathan. Thank you so much.|很感谢,内森,非常感谢

All right, then:那好吧

I didn't mean to call.|我没想打电话的 | All right, then.|那好吧 | Well, please remember that this line|请记住这个电话

All right, then:我好的

I could eat a horse! 我饿得可以吃掉一匹马! | All right then 我好的 | You want a hamburger right? 您是要汉堡吧?

All right, then:那好

You're gonna let me play?|你会让我上场? | All right, then!|那好 | The game is over? We eat now?|比赛结束了?我们要去吃饭?

All right then, Calvin:好了,凯文

No problem.|没问题 | All right then, Calvin.|好了,凯文 | Just relax and start at the beginning.|先放松,从头说起

Well all right then:这样就对了

Hell yeah sir.|是的,长官 | Well all right then.|这样就对了 | Son, I take care of my own.|小子,我会照顾自己人

All right, then go:好,你去吧

I'd really like to head back with the fellas, sir.|我真的很想跟兄弟们在一起,长官 | All right, then go.|好,你去吧 | Thank you, sir.|谢谢你,长官

Mother:All right then:母亲:那好吧

[12:45.73]Sandy:I can take my shoes off,mum. ;桑迪:我可以把鞋脱了, 妈妈. | [12:48.69]Mother:All right then. ;母亲:那好吧. | [12:50.40]Sandy:Whoops! It is slippery. ;桑迪:哎哟!真滑.

Oh,all right,then:哦,好吧, 那么再来一块也行

[08:07.16]Mrs Dumpling:Well,I shouldn't really.I'm on a diet,you know. ;邓普林太... | [08:11.17]Oh,all right,then. ;哦,好吧, 那么再来一块也行. | [08:14.26]Mrs Blake:Have another biscuit,Mrs Dumpling ;布...

Ahh, thank you, Albert. The womenfolk are all right, then:噢,谢谢,艾伯特 女士们还好吧

- Oh, I've forgotten my hat! - It's all right, it's here.|噢... | Ahh, thank you, Albert. The womenfolk are all right, then?|噢,谢谢,艾伯特 女士们还好吧 | Shut the doors and we're ready. Thank you, uh....

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All Right Then

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